
[反省] 學習是要正面主動積極的

昨天看到學長開的課終於結束了 心中好是後悔



原本我有打算就算沒經費 也要自費去上課


1. 現在用不到
    說實話 真的用不到 這套作法要導入我們部門 確實有點窒礙難行
    不過 話說回來 即使目前環境用不到 但對我自己來說 一定也是有幫助的

2. 老婆會抗議
    因為上課會花掉三個星期六全天的時間 我很感謝平日老婆的辛苦

3. 經濟問題
    雖然課程費用不貴 但對最近的我 自掏腰包額外掏出這些費用也是有點痛的


希望下一次 我能好好想想 學習是個人的 應該要更主動一點


[讀書筆記] Design and Testability

Design and Testability

1. Why should I care about testability in my design?

In a testable design, each logical piece of code (loops, ifs, switches, and so on) should be easy and quick to write a unit test against, one that demonstrates these properties:


  • Fast
    • Runs fast
  • Isolated
    • Is isolated, meaning it can run independently or as part of a group of tests, and can run before or after any other test
  • Configuration-free
    • Requires no external configuration
  • Consistent
    • Provides a consistent pass/fail result
If you were doing test-driven development, you’d have no choice but to write a testable system.

2. Design goals for testability

2.1 Make methods virtual by default

Java makes methods virtual by default, but in .NET, you need to explicitly set it as virtual so you can override it in a default class.

An alternative is to have the class invoke a custom delegate.

Using virtual methods is handy, but interface-based designs are also a good choice.

2.2 Use interface-based designs

Refer to chapter 3~5

2.3 Make classes nonsealed by default

If you can’t inherit from a class, you can’t override any virtual methods in it.

2.4 Avoid instantiating concrete classes inside methods with logic

Tests might need to control what instance is used in the class under test.

(1) Use the external tools such as Mock tool
(2) Ways in the 3rd chapter such as Factory Method.

2.5 Avoid direct calls to static methods

Try to abstract any direct dependencies that would be hard to replace at runtime.

(1) Ways in the 3rd chapter      
      Abstract a static method away using the Extract and Override refactoring.(2) Avoid using any static methods whatsoever
(3) Trying to minimize the number of singletons or static methods

2.6 Avoid constructors and static constructors that do logic

Things like configuration-based classes are often made static classes or singletons because so many parts of the application use them.

在Constructor建立多個邏輯或是static constructor 會因為很多地方有使用到導致難以替換

(1) IoC Container

2.7 Separate singletons and singleton holders

SRP: Single Responsibility Principle

好處是 :
(1) SRP
(2) 可以替換


原本的設計 Singleton

Singleton Holders抽出

3. Pros and cons of designing for testability

  • Amount of work
    • Let’s just say that more code, and work, is required when testability is involved, but that designing for testability makes you think about the user of your API more, which is a good thing.
    • 工作量增加是一定的 但是能多用User的角度來設計 這是好事
  • Complexity
    • Over design
    • 能用Tool來克服 (e.g. ReSharper)
  • Exposing sensitive IP
    • IP: Intellectual Property
    • Workaround : 
      • keeping things internal and using the [InternalsVisibleTo] attribute
    • Compromise
  • Sometimes you can’t
    • Political or other reasons

4. Alternatives to designing for testability

If a tool comes along that solves the testability problem for you, there will be no need to design specifically for testability.

5. Summary

Testable designs are what SOLID design principles have stood for. 
The end goal should not be testability, but good design instead.


[讀書筆記] The pillars of good tests

[讀書筆記] The pillars of good tests

1. Writing trustworthy tests

2. Writing maintainable tests

Nonmaintainable tests are nightmares because they can ruin project schedules, or you risk losing the tests when the project is put on a more aggressive schedule.

test project 也會越來越多 如果難以維護的話
1. 會破壞Project Schedules
2. 不想再測試

2.1 Testing private or protected methods

Unit tests should be testing the public contract and public functionality of an object


(1) Making Methods Public
If a method is worth testing, it might be worth making it public, static, or at least internal, and defining a public contract against any user of it.
如果你的Method值得測試 那就將他變成Public的吧
(2) Extracting Methods to New Classes
如果Method包含了許多獨立的logic 就將他抽出吧

(3) Making Methods Static
如果Method沒有使用其他變數 可以考慮變成Static的

(4) Making Methods Internal
如果上述方法都失敗 有個最不推薦的方法

Removing the method isn’t a good option because the production code uses the method too. Otherwise, there would be no reason to write the tests in the first place.


2.2 Removing duplication

The “don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) principle
code有重複 就有壞味道



如果Production code 改變了 勢必要回來改這兩個TestMethod
導致更多的maintenance work
假設現在new完LogAnalyzer之後 要先呼叫Initialize()

那麼 我們必須在每個TestMethod裡都要加上呼叫

(1) Removing duplication using a helper method
透過GetNewAnalyzer()將 Initialize()封裝在這個Method

(2) Removing duplication using [SetUp]
另一種方法是寫在SetUp Method中
但是缺點就是 不是每個TestMethod都會用到這段邏輯

2.3 Using setup methods in a maintainable manner

SetUp Method很好用 但是要注意會有以下問題:
(1) Initialize objects that are used by only some of the tests
(2) Having SETUP code that’s lengthy and hard to understand
      Refactor it

(3) Setting up fakes in the SETUP method
      要考量Fake Objects 是否每個Test Method都會用到

2.4 Enforcing test isolation

A test should always run in its own little world

如果Test Isolation沒有做好 勢必會相互影響導致錯誤的結果

(1) Constrained test order
(2) Hidden test call
(3) Shared-state corruption
(4) External shared-state corruption       
Constrained test order
i. Flow Testing
   通常面對Flow Testing 會產生這種順序問題 所以一個建議的方式不要在UT中測試流程 或這是是採用Integration testing framework

ii. Laziness in cleanup
    也有可能是因為懶得清理資源 才導致必須按照某種順序來執行

Hidden test call
i. Flow Testing    

ii. Trying to remove duplication
    我們可能會為了不想要寫重複的code而在TestMethod中呼叫一個已經寫好的TestMethod 但是千萬不要這麼做

iii. Laziness in separating the tests

Shared-state corruption

2.5 Avoiding multiple asserts

Create a separate test for each assert
Use parameterized tests
Wrap the assert call with try-catch

2.6 Avoiding testing multiple aspects of the same object

Create a full object to compare all the properties in one assertOverriding ToString(), let the test output much clearer

2.7 Avoiding overspecification in tests

OVERSPECIFY TESTS that Developers make:
Specifying purely internal behavior
Using STUBS also as MOCKS
Assuming an order or exact match when it’s not needed

3. Writing readable tests



[讀書筆記] Interaction testing using mock objects

[讀書筆記] Interaction testing using mock objects


在前一章Stubs 我們使用了Stub 來打破了Dependency
但是現實上 卻有很多的function是



答案是 Mock Objects

1.1 Value-based vs. state-based vs. interaction testing

Value-based testing 
    Checks the value returned from a function.

State-based testing 
    Checks the noticeable behavior changes in the system under test, after changing its state.

Interaction testing
    Tests how an object sends input to or receives input from other objects—how that object interacts with other objects.


Value-based testing 
    Check 水龍頭是否可以打開

State-based testing 
    Check 土壤濕度

Interaction testing
    在水龍頭端裝置一台監控設備 紀錄灌溉的起始結束時間以及水量 只需檢查監控設備的次數及水量是否正確

Sometimes state-based testing is the best way to go because interaction testing is too difficult to pull off.

State-based testing 有時是最好的測試方法 因為Interaction testing實在太難達到了

Mock object
A mock object is a fake object in the system that decides whether the unit test has passed or failed. It does so by verifying whether the object under test interacted as expected with the fake object. There’s usually no more than one mock per test.

1.2 The difference between mocks and stubs

A fake is a generic term that can be used to describe either a stub or a mock object, because they both look like the real object. Whether a fake is a stub or a mock depends on how it’s used in the current test. If it’s used to check an interaction (asserted against), it’s a mock object. Otherwise, it’s a stub.

Mocks 跟 Stubs最主要的區別如下圖:

呼叫Assert的是 TestClass

用Mock Object來確認Test Pass or not


1.3: A simple handwritten mock example


測試上 我們用MockWebService來替換掉外部WebService
此時我們要測的是 WebService是否確實有記錄到LogError

Why don't we write the tests directly inside the mock object code?
1. We’d like to be able to reuse the mock object in other test cases, with other asserts on the message.
    要Reuse Mock Object

2. If the assert were put inside the mock object, whoever reads the test would have no idea what we’re asserting.
    寫在Mock裡 其他人會不知道在assert什麼

1.4 Using a mock and a stub together

如果WebService發生了Exception 系統要寄email給IT管理員


如何測試當Exception發生時 有確實發送了Email?


  • Why are we doing several asserts in a single test? How easy would it be to separate this test into three different tests with one assert each?Could the three asserts be combined into a single logical test?
  • It can be quite tedious to create manual mocks and stubs for each test or test class. How can we overcome that?
  • Couldn’t we have used the MockService from listing 4.1 as a stub?

1.5 One mock per test


  • In a test where you test only one thing
  • Only one mock object in a test
  • Other fake objects are all stubs

1.6 Stub chains: stubs that produce mocks or other stubs

當一層接一層時 怎麼測試?

你可能要寫 factory 跟 service兩個stubs
或者 Confuguration 跟 DBConfiguration兩個stubs

假如你想要替換掉 connstring
1. 用Extract and Override    

2. 用Adapt Parameter Pattern

1.7 The problems with handwritten mocks and stubs

1. It takes time to write the mocks and stubs.

2. It’s difficult to write stubs and mocks for classes and interfaces that have many methods, properties, and events.

3. To save state for multiple calls of a mock method, you need to write a lot of boilerplate code to save the data.
<boilerplate : 照本宣科的規範;(新聞業)一成不變的陳腐文字>
為了在多次呼叫Mock Methods之後儲存狀態 需要寫很多code

4. If you want to verify all parameters on a method call, you need to write multiple asserts. If the first assert fails, the others will never run, because a failed assert throws an exception.
如果需要check 一個method的所有參數 需要多個 assert
但是只要一個assert Fail 就會中斷這次測試

5. It’s hard to reuse mock and stub code for other tests.


[上課筆記] Think on your feet

Think on your feet

1. What

Think on your feet 著重的焦點是思考
能讓你迅速地理性思考 關鍵在於 "結構"

先打樁 列出要說明的Main Idea


2. Why

2.1 Think on your feet的好處?



Clarity 清晰
    清楚地說明 讓人理解
Brevity 簡潔
Impact 有力

2.2 為什麼要運用計畫?

1. 集中焦點
2. 協助清晰

2.3 為什麼分成三部分?


3. How

3.1 結構格式:

        陳述主題 宣告三個重點
       第一部分(結構) - 內容
       第二部分(結構) - 內容
       第三部分(結構) - 內容

3.2 6種包裝說服力的計畫

3.2.1 時鐘計畫
    2000年...., 2008年...., 2014年....
3.2.2 環球計畫
    台北, 台中, 台南
    住家, 公司, 公共場所
    頭, 手, 腳
3.2.3 三角計畫
    1. 展現客觀論點
         技術, 行銷, 市場
    2. 顯示深思熟慮
         想法, 團隊, 資金
    3. 表達各種觀點
         家長, 老師, 兒童    

3.2.4 變焦計畫
    改變觀點 用越來越廣或越來越窄的角度來安排
    越來越廣 擴大視野
    先看特定事件, 以更廣的角度來說..., 整體而言....
    越來越窄 聚焦細節
    整體而言...., 然而.... (稍微縮小範圍) , 具體而言....

    當觀點相同 採取的策略是直接認同
    當觀點不同 採取的策略是間接認同


    少用 <但是/可是> 帶有負面情緒
    多用 <然而/如果/同時>

3.2.5 鐘擺計畫
    描述兩邊極端立場 再轉向中間立場

    激進的鐘擺 - 捍衛現狀
        讓聽者覺得兩邊極端的作法都不好 只有中庸最好
    溫和的鐘擺 - 折衷
        不去攻擊極端 試著在兩極之間找到平衡

3.2.6 收益計畫
    用來宣傳, 推銷, 說服

    推銷新東西, 你一定要告訴聽者這東西有什麼好處, 而不是提這東西有什麼特點

    創造說話的動力 可以這樣安排:
    最強的功能放在最後 塑造高潮

    反之 反收益計畫
    如果你不這樣 就會有以下缺點

3.3 讓想法更生動的作法


             利用比喻及舉例協助聽者理解 進而記住    




             三因一果, 連鎖反應, 一因三果


             Who, What, Where, When, Why and How

3.4 整合

    3.4.1 銜接技巧
             肯定對方,事實 認同對方感受
             你提出XXX 是個很好的觀點           
             挑整層次(變廣 變窄 側面切入)

    3.4.2 找出核心主題
        1. 想想聽者的背景知識
        2. 猜測聽者的希望期待
        3. 列出聽者的擔心害怕

    3.4.3 標題


[讀書筆記] The art of Unit Testing - ch2 - A first unit test

[讀書筆記] A first unit test

2.1 Frameworks for unit testing

Doing things completely manually would be error-prone and time-consuming, and people would defer doing that as much as possible.

手動出錯的機會很大 又浪費時間
所以請讓Unit-testing framework來協助你寫測試吧

2.1.1 What unit-testing frameworks offer

所以unit-testing framework到底你提供你什麼服務呢?
  • They were not structured. (

每次測試你可能都是用不同介面來測試 ex. Webform, Winform or WinConsole)

  • They were not repeatable. (無法執行過去的測試)
  • They were not on all your code. (沒有測到所有的code 如果寫UT是很方便的 RD才會盡可能地多寫UT 增加Coverage)
Unit-testing Framework能幫助你解決上述問題

Framework的介入是獨立的 你能在你的TestProject寫完Test Case 再透過統一的介面去執行測試
1. Write tests easily and in a structured manner.
    所以寫UT時 只要繼承或是follow API 就能寫出UT
2. Execute one or all of the unit tests.
    透過GUI或是command 執行所有的tests
3. Review the results of the test runs.
    跑完test之後的Report 能夠一目瞭然問題出在哪裡?

2.1.2 The xUnit frameworks

C++ : CppUnit / (GoogleTest)
JAVA : JUnit
.NET : NUnit

2.3 First steps with NUnit

2.3.1 Installing Nunit


2.3.2 Loading up the solution

打開NUnit GUI 之後 選擇Open Project 就能將你寫的Test Project 載入 
注意!! 這裡載的是Test Project 不是ProductionCode Project


2.3.3 Nunit attributes

寫UT之前 先來了解NUnit 有哪些attribute可以用
在寫UT時 最好也follow建議的naming style (潛規則)
Project : 
Create a test project named [ProjectUnderTest].Tests. 

Class : 
For each class, create at least one class with the name [ClassName]Tests.

Method : 
For each method, create at least one test method with the following name: 

MethodName : The name of the method you’re testing
StateUnderTest : The conditions used to produce the expected behavior (這個method要執行的動作)

ExpectedBehavior : What you expect the tested method to do under the specified conditions (預期的測試Return Value)

For example:
有個Method叫做 IsValidLogFileName, 這個method的目的是要驗證filename是否合法, 接下來我們要寫一個UT去測這個method, 預期結果為True

所以UT的method name 應該為 :

2.4 Writing our first test

1. Add Reference
    要在Test Project 使用到NUnit必須先using NUnit.Framework
    注意!! 不是加在Production Code    

2. [TestFixture]
    請在每個Test Class上方加上[TestFixture]
3. [Test]
    請在每個Test Method上方加上[Test]
    注意!! NUnit的test method都必須為 void 且不帶任何parameters
     ex. public void IsValidFileName_validFile_ReturnsTrue(){...}

4. Arrange, Act, and Assert
    每個Test Method內都需要包含這三個內容:    
  •     Arrange objects, creating and setting them up as necessary.   
  •     Act on an object.  
  •     Assert that something is as expected.
For example:

Create出一些資源 設一些設定
呼叫Production code中待測的這支method
透過Assert 比對結果是否符合自己預期

目前我採用的是NUnit 2.6.3版 


Writing UT Process

2.5 More Nunit attributes

2.5.1 SetUp and TearDown

For unit tests, it’s important that any leftover data or instances from previous tests are destroyed and that the state for the new test is recreated as if no tests have been run before.

每個測試都像是新的一樣 不要殘留之前的data



This attribute can be put on a method, just like a [Test] attribute, and it causes NUnit to run that setup method each time it runs any of the tests in your class.

每次執行[Test]之前 就會執行[SetUp]

This attribute denotes a method to be executed once after each test in your class has executed.

每次執行[Test]完之後 就會執行[TearDown]

那有沒有類似的概念是 for Class [TestFixture]的?

執行[TestFixtureSetUp] Before all [Test]

執行[TestFixtureTearDown] After all [Test]

[TestFixtureSetUp]或[TestFixtureTearDown]的用途是當資源setting up 或 cleaning up花太久時 只想執行一次時使用


2.5.2 Checking for expected exceptions

  • The expected exception message is provided as a parameter to the [ExpectedException] attribute.
  • There’s no Assert call in the test itself. The [ExpectedException] attribute contains the assert within it.
  • There’s no point getting the value of the Boolean result from the method because the method call is supposed to trigger an exception.


預期要測Exception 就不用Assert (其實已經含在[ExpectedException]中)

For example:

2.5.3 Ignore tests

Sometimes you’ll have tests that are broken and you still need to check in your code to the main source tree.

有時候你不想要Fail的Test中斷你的其他test 可以善用[Ignore]
設定[Ignore]之後 Test就能忽略掉這個TestMethod
在NUnit GUI 看到的顏色就會變成黃色

For example:

就會在GUI中的Test Property中顯示Reason="XXX"

2.5.4 Setting test categories


For example:

2.6 Indirect testing of state

State-based testing
State-based testing (also called state verification) determines whether the exercised method worked correctly by examining the state of the system under test and its collaborators (dependencies) after the method is exercised.


有個Class Calculator 他有
兩個Method :
public void Add(int number);
public int Sum();
private int sum=0;

每次呼叫Add 累加完之後的值會存在sum中

Add return void 這樣我們該如何驗證Add呢?
要切兩個Test Case
1. Default Sum應該要為0
2. 呼叫Add之後 Sum應該要正確

注意!! Add_CalledOnce_SavesNumberForSum()


2.7 Summary


  • It’s common practice to have one test class per tested class, one test project per tested project, and at least one test method per tested method.
  • Name your tests clearly using the following model: [MethodUnderTest]_[Scenario]_[ExpectedBehavior].
  • Use the [SetUp] and [TearDown] attributes to reuse code in your tests, such as code for creating and initializing objects all your tests use.
  • Don’t use [SetUp] and [TearDown] to initialize or destroy objects that aren’t shared throughout the test class in all the tests, because it makes the tests less understandable. Someone reading your code won’t know which tests use the logic inside the setup method and which don’t.


Follow [MethodUnderTest]_[Scenario]_[ExpectedBehavior] 規則



[讀書筆記] The art of Unit Testing - ch1 - The basics of unit testing

[讀書筆記] The basics of unit testing

1.1 Unit Testing - the classic definition

What is the classic definition?
A unit test is a piece of a code (usually a method) that invokes another piece of code and checks the correctness of some assumptions afterward.
If the assumptions turn out to be wrong, the unit test has failed. 
A "unit" is a method or function.

傳統的Unit Test就是寫另外的code去check你的production code是否正確

1. Rely on System and Integration Test
    倚靠Integration Test來測
2. Manually testing
3. Test by using the end product



實際上這樣的測試離Good Unit Test 還有一大段距離

1.2 Properties of a good unit test

所以到底Good Unit Test有什麼樣的特性呢?

  • It should be automated and repeatable.
  • It should be easy to implement.
  • Once it’s written, it should remain for future use.
  • Anyone should be able to run it.
  • It should run at the push of a button.
  • It should run quickly.
  • 要能夠自動化
  • 要容易實作
  • 一旦寫好未來都能使用
  • 每個人都能執行它
  • 按個button就能執行
  • 要能夠快速地執行


  • Can I run and get results from a unit test I wrote two weeks or months or years ago?
  • Can any member of my team run and get the results from unit tests I wrote two months ago?
  • Can I run all the unit tests I’ve written in no more than a few minutes?
  • Can I run all the unit tests I’ve written at the push of a button?
  • Can I write a basic unit test in no more than a few minutes?

問問自己 如果有任何一題的答案是no
那麼你寫的test 可能就不屬於Unit Test

1.3 Integration tests

What is the Integration Test?

Integration testing means testing two or more dependent software modules as a group.

Integration test 就是把兩個以上的modules組合起來一起測試

If the test fails, all the parts fail together; if it succeeds, the parts all succeed.

所以Integration Test 面臨的問題是
If the test fails, all of these software components fail as a team, and it can be difficult to figure out what caused the failure of the overall operation.

因為要死就一起死 很難抓出root cause

Integration Test的問題就在於有很多的Failure points你必須一一排除

1.3.1 Drawbacks of integration tests compared to automated unit tests

Can I run and get results from a unit test I wrote two weeks or months or years ago?
A: code change是相當常見的 在改完code之後 是否知道有side effect? 所以需要Unit Testing !!!

作者將此稱為 "accidental bugging"

A regression is a feature that used to work and now doesn’t.
過去可以work 現在不行

Good tests should be easily executed in their original form, not manually.

Can any member of my team run and get the results from unit tests I wrote two months ago?
A:如同第一題 只是這是改別人的code
    大部分人都會擔心Legacy code
    因為會怕改Legacy code又造成side effect

Legacy code
Legacy code is defined by Wikipedia as “source code that relates to a no-longer supported or manufactured operating system or other computer technology,” but many shops refer to any older version of the application currently under maintenance as legacy code. It often refers to code that’s hard to work with, hard to test, and usually even hard to read.

Good tests can be accessed and run by anyone.

Can I run all the unit tests I’ve written in no more than a few minutes?
A:如果test需要很久 那麼你也就不會很常去測試了
    這邊講的是 便利性

Good tests should run quickly.

Can I run all the unit tests I’ve written at the push of a button?
A:如果不行 那代表你必須經過重重難關才能測試(ex.設定 or 雜事) 如果不方便 那麼你也不想去測試了
    這邊講的是 便利性

Good tests should be easily executed in their original form, not manually.

Can I write a basic unit test in no more than a few minutes?
A:測試的scope越大 牽扯的module越多 測試就越難寫
    如果測試越難寫 那麼你也不想去測試了
    這邊講的是 便利性

其實這段也偷偷暗示我們應該要使用Unit-Testing Framework來寫測試才會方便

Good tests against the system should be easy and quick to write.

1.4 Good Unit Test

引言至此 作者終於要帶出他心目中 Good Unit Test的定義了

  • A unit test is an automated piece of code that invokes the method or class being tested and then checks some assumptions about the logical behavior of that method or class.
  • A unit test is almost always written using a unit-testing framework.
  • It can be written easily and runs quickly.
  • It’s fully automated, trustworthy, readable, and maintainable.
好的Unit Testing就是 使用unit-testing framework 自動化地去測logical behavior
必須很方便的實作測試 執行測試也必須很快看到結果

Logical code
Logical code is any piece of code that has some sort of logic in it, small as it may be.

It’s logical code if it has one or more of the following: an IF statement, a loopswitch or case statements, calculations, or any other type of decision-making code.

只有logical code需要測試

像Java的 get/set 如果沒有內含邏輯的話 其實不用測它

1.5 A simple unit test example

這個章節 作者寫了一個測試範例 但他並沒有使用Unit-testing framework
我們可以看看就算沒有Unit-testing framework 測試的邏輯還是一樣 但是就是麻煩了些 所以有framework的協助 會讓各位更方便地寫Unit Test 才會讓大家有動力去寫

1.6 Test-driven development

大部分的人是在實作完production code之後才開始寫測試

傳統的coding process如下圖:
TDD的coding process如下圖:

1 Write a failing test to prove code or functionality is missing from the end product.
    先寫測試 所以沒有production code的結果就是FAIL

2 Make the test pass by writing production code that meets the expectations of your test.
    接下來我們應該要想辦法讓Test PASS

3 Refactor your code.
    經過幾個Test Pass之後 或許開始發現可以refactor一些code

Refactoring means changing a piece of code without changing its functionality.
If you’ve ever renamed a method, you’ve done refactoring.
If you’ve ever split a large method into multiple smaller method calls, you’ve refactored your code.
The code still does the same thing, but it becomes easier to maintain, read, debug, and change.

這邊其實帶出一個Unit-testing的優勢就在於我們能夠放心地refactoring 因為改壞馬上就被Unit Test抓出來

1.7 Summary

作者不斷的想強調 什麼是Good Unit Test
因為很重要 所以要一直重複提
What is a good unit testing?
  • It’s an automated piece of code that invokes a different method and then checks some assumptions on the logical behavior of that method or class.
  • It’s written using a unit-testing framework.
  • It can be written easily.
  • It runs quickly.
  • It can be executed repeatedly by anyone on the development team.