
[Jug讀新聞] Daily Scrum的7種錯誤

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Daily Scrum的7種錯誤

Mistake#1: The stand-up meeting is not a status or recording meeting. 
不是進度報告 要凸顯問題與瓶頸

Mistake#2: The stand-up meeting is not for micromanagement. 

Mistake#3: The stand-up meeting is not only for the Scrum Master. 
Member請向Team報告 讓大家都參與 不要只向Scrum Master報告

Mistake#4: The stand-up meeting is not a planning meeting.

Mistake#5: The stand-up meeting is not a technical discussion. 
有時我們不自覺地討論起技術細節 請用另一個會

Mistake#6: The stand-up meeting should not be held far from the work location.
Daily Scrum的位置要在Scrum Board的前方 大家圍在一起 才能清楚狀況

Mistake#7: The stand-up meeting must consist of the three questions.
我個人覺得最重要的是如果碰到什麼問題 要提出來
但大部分的人會把時間花在講昨天做過的事 今天要做什麼

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