alone VS lonely
Key : alone lonely 使用情境 強調沒有旁人的獨處,可做形容詞或副詞 強調心裡孤獨、寂寞的感覺,形容詞
When the lights went out, he was all alone in the dark.
I think Lee wants to be alone for a while; let's go.
If you get lonely in your new place, give me a call.
The caged bird looks lonely; you should get him a mate.
Answer: 1. alone 2. lonely
all ready vs. already
資料來源 : LiveABC電子報
說明 :
all ready | already | |
使用情境 | 完全準備好了 | 已經 |
位置 | be 動詞之後 | be 動詞之後或一般動詞之前 |
The food was all ready, so we were able to eat right away.
The children are all ready for school.
Denise is already an hour late.
I already said that I am not hungry.
解答: 1. all ready 2. already
[作品] The causes of the poisonous Chinese milk
因此就將writing的東西 再包裝之後 丟過去
非常幸運地 編輯通知我 即將在2009年2月刊登我的作品
對我這個英文超弱的人來說 簡直是超級的鼓舞阿~
The causes of the poisonous Chinese milk powder
When we refer to
Firstly, the Chinese had experienced the Culture Revolution. After the Culture Revolution, they have lost some conscience and have not known what is right or wrong. When they face the dilemma of gaining filthy money or being defeated because of doing right things insistently, they often choose gaining filthy money. For example, if you are a herder, you find other herders’ production of milk is more than yours, and their cost is lower than yours because they added some melamine. Hence, if you do not do that, you can not provide production of milk as much as they can, so you will lose the competition finally. In this situation, maybe you choose gaining filthy money like others. Therefore, people always say “Chinese companies are notorious for their greedy for money”.
Secondly, there is more and more demand for milk powder in
The author believes that this matter will have been happened on and off from the past to the future because the greed has become the Chinese’s culture. Most Chinese companies are greedy for money, so they care money much more than people’s health. Once, demands of whatever products increase, they always have the ability to come up with the tips about how to produce more products with something illegal. As you can see, their greed is the main reason for this matter, so if they do not change their mind, this kind of things will be happened again and again.
[作品] 人生必讀哪三本書?
前一陣子投稿 全國教師協會的活動
活動主題是 人生必讀哪三本書?
結果居然上了 真是有夠幸運
1. 如何閱讀一本書
2. 邏輯思考的技術
3. 金字塔原理:思考、寫作、解決問題的邏輯方法
選擇這三本書的理由是因為其組合剛好是一個「Input、process and output」的知識學習歷程。
每天都必須接觸它 碰它 當成生活的一部份
誰說免費就不是好東西 好好享受他們吧~
1. 字典
- Farlex Online Dictionary
- 韋式字典
2. 聽力
- 看電影學聽力
- 大陸整理的聽力資源
- 相似音組練習
- 看Youtube學英文
此blog幾乎都是截取youtube上的影片 並附上script
還有分困難度 所以學習起來相當有趣
3. 會話
- http://www.englishbaby.com
每天都有新的對話內容可以學習 對話內容都是美國人的生活 裡面也有聊天室 可以進去聊聊英文
4. 主題
BBC上有許多單元可以學英文 恭爵推薦News 跟 6-minutes
這裡可以學到很多自然,科學等東西 每天一小段 內容不會太長
VOA 速度慢但非常清楚, 每天都會主題 用字不算太難 非常推薦
之前跟朋友組讀書會時 朋友推薦給恭爵的網站 每星期兩篇文章 除了文章外 還順便練到討論,聽力,Cloze
CNN Students News 有影片, script最後還有問題可回答 恭爵非常推薦
5. 線上文章
- 經濟學人
- 紐約時報
- Knowledge@Wharton
- 美國商周
- 華爾街日報評論
- 普利茲新聞獲獎作品
- Chinapost
- Newsweek
- Times
- TaipeiTimes
- Yale Global
New attitude to learn English
[2008/12/20] Today, I went to the Trinity in Taipei. I attanded the I2-reading class. The teacher of this class was Stewart. First, I entered to the classroom, and he asked me that why I went here to learn English? I responded that because I wanted to learn the more in English. Then, He asked me that why you wanted to learn more? Anyway, he used this way to check my purpose. At the end of the day, my purpose is to earn the more money.
Then, he shared what attitude is a good attitude to learn English. He said that we should put English in our daily life. We should think in English, we should talk with English, we should do anything with English. I know, this thought sounds crazy, but I would try it. Next, I could write the diary to note some special thing here.
首先 他要我們確認我們學英文的真正目的
呵 他有點像面試官 針對你的問題 不斷的往下問
anyway , 說到底 學英文的目的就是為了錢
為了更高的pay 所以學英文來投資自己
ok, 目的確認之後
接下來 他分享他所認為的學英文的正確態度
1. 學語言是門藝術 而台灣人以科學的態度來學習
2. 要自然而然 整個生活都是英文 變成生活中不可或缺的一部份
3. 丟掉自尊 勇敢的在大庭廣眾下說英文
4. 不要怕出錯 因為學英文本來就是個try and error的過程
經由不斷地接觸 不斷地改進 才是真正的進步
小小大星球 入手!!!
小小大星球 入手!!!
後來資訊展跑去試玩了一下 真的不賴ㄟ
買來玩了幾天 的確很讚
不過 網路連線遊戲都一直無法連線
唉 我很想跟別的玩家一起同樂阿
No Try No Success
Tonight I want to share one of my favorite sentences. This is that “No try no success”. It is very simple, but it is also very hard. What am I talking about? I mean that the meaning of this sentence is very simple, but in fact, how many people can do it easily. I guess that maybe just few people who are really successful can do it. For example, if you have one grand goal which is very hard to achieve, but it is too difficult, so maybe you feel frustrated, maybe you want to give up this goal. Remember, once you give up it, you will never achieve it. Maybe you can do it, but if you do not try it, you never know whether you can do it or not. Sometimes your limit is not your real limit. It is all about your mind, it is up to you. Do you know the slogan of Adidas advertisement? “Impossible is nothing.” It is up to you.
Next, I want to introduce another sentence which Kevin Lin said. Do you know Kevin Lin? He is the most famous marathon runner in Taiwan. Last year, he ran cross the Desert Sahara. This year, he led his team to attend the “Polar-Challenge Game.” It’s also a hard work right? But he said “Sometimes you feel afraid, it is ok, you just make your body do it first, and then your mental courage will be coming soon.” I totally agree his thoughts. You could feel afraid, but you have to force yourself to overcome it. I am very impressed by these sentences, so I share them to you. Remember “No try no success “.
答錯不罰 機智對答活動(一) 如果有人問你:人生必讀哪三本書? 你要怎麼回答得巧、回答得妙呢? 限300字以內喔! 對答截止日期: 獎品:「就是愛寫作」書籍一本 說明: 1.感謝時報出版社贊助,自即日起,我們將每月推出「答錯不罰」機智對答活動。 2.請將您的答案寄至教學研究部信箱:apple.a092901@msa.hinet.net 5.12/14 朱天衣等「拉高作文力.就是愛寫作】免費講座開始報名! 報名網址http://www.readingtimes.com.tw/timeshtml/promote/speech081214/index.html ====================== 我已經想好一些idea了 有空把它實作出來吧